MALES - Ch. "Phoenix" - Ch. "Phoenix" Offspring
L-R - Ch. Merrie-Go Spirit Warrior; Merrie-Go Sweet Child O’Mine; (Ch. Phoenix ex Merrie-Go Spirit Dancer)
Bred/Owned by Wanda Hathcock, Merrie-Go Shelties
Left - Ch. Echowyn It’s All About Mej; Right - Ch. Echowyn Out Loud
(Ch. Phoenix ex Ch. Echowyn Color Me Softly)
Bred/Owned by Krysten Messer
Left - Ch. Summerloves Stealing Home - pts.; Right - Summerloves Moonlight Breeze - pts.
(Ch. Phoenix ex Summerloves In The Zone)
Bred/Owned By Lorrie Reed & April Dunford
Above is the litter of four by Ch. Phoenix ex Sirron’s Crystal Rose at 8 weeks -
upper row males & lower row females
Bred/Owned by Anne Norris, Sirron
The above 3 pups are bred and owned by Joy Good, Goodtimes Shelties & out of Int Ch/UKC GCh Goodtimes Beyond Fanciful Dreams. Female upper left, males upper right & center - 16 wks.